About the Counseling Department
The Counseling Department at Sierra High School will provide all students with a school counseling program that will support the development of academic, interpersonal, and communications skills in order to achieve success in school, live productive and rewarding lives, and develop contributing members of society.
A counselor serves as a resource for information about preparing for college, career guidance, work experience and how to succeed in high school. The counselor is available each school day from 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Parents/Guardians: If you would like to meet with your student’s counselor, please call to make an appointment at (626) 852-8383.
To check on your student’s grades, assignments, attendance, please utilize our Aeries. For issues related to forgotten username or password, or other access issues, please call (626) 852-8300 for assistance.
Students: If you need to see your counselor, please sign up in the main office to make an appointment. You may also request an appointment by emailing the counselor at